foster {形} : 里親{さとおや}の -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {他動-1} : ~を育てる、養育{よういく}する、育成{いくせい}する、助成{じょせい}する、助長{じょちょう}する、盛り上げる、促進{そくしん}させる Children should be fost
mother mother n. 母; 女子修道院長; 根源. 【動詞+】 lose one's mother 母に死に別れる; 迷子になる At five he needed his mother. 5 歳では母親が必要だった pester one's mother for pocket money 母に小遣いをせがむ. 【+動詞】 His mothe
it needs the help of mother , or a foster mother , to survive . 生き続ける 母親や乳母の助けが必要です
his mother was a foster mother of nobunaga , so he and nobunaga were foster brothers . 母は信長の乳母であり、信長とは乳兄弟になる。
in accordance with his wife ' s will he did not have a foster mother raise the child . その妻の遺言で乳母には預けなかった。
in addition , the system of making an imperial princess an honorary empress (a woman who was not the consort of the emperor but nonetheless held the title of empress ) to serve as a foster mother to the emperor began with imperial princess teishi (ikuhomon-in ), daughter of emperor shirakawa; this system was later extended to allow " 院 " (a kanji pronounced " in " that means " imperial court " ) to be added to the end of the title of an honorary empress by imperial decree , and the system was further extended by princess akiko (hachijo-in ) in 1161 to allow " 院 " to be added to the title of any female member of the imperial family . また、皇女を准母立后による尊称皇后(天皇の配偶ではない称号のみの后)とする制度が白河天皇皇女媞子内親王(郁芳門院)を契機として確立すると、院号宣下の対象も尊称皇后にまで拡大、さらに応保元年(1161年)のあき子内親王(八条院)によって、后位を経ずに院号宣下される道も開かれた。